We are here for you

Patient Journey

With more insurance providers using case management companies to look after their clients, we took the initiative and set up direct links with them. We have the capital covered, offering an accessible service and appointments within 48 hours, meaning more and more insurance providers are turning to us as their physio of choice.

8 Physiotherapy Clinics
5 Days a Week
120 New Patients a Month
48 Appointments Within 48hrs

How We Work

  1. Your GP

    Will issue a Referral for your insurance company

  2. Insurance

    They will contact their Case Management company

  3. Over To Us

    Case Management will pass your details onto Purple

  4. Sorted!

    We'll call you and get you booked in within 48 hrs

Why Purple?


We look at clinical outcomes and use this information to ensure you get the most up-to-date treatment there is.


We offer a wide range of appointments across 8 locations, ensuring you'll be able to get an appointment within 48 hours.


Exercise programs tailored specifically to your treatment plan, and emailed to you straight after appointments.

Case Management

Easy, seamless communication between your case management company and ourselves.

Since 2014 we've been working with an ever-growing number of Case Management companies year-on-year